8th March, 2017.
Annual Evaluation Meeting on Community Based TB Care Project
Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association’s annual evaluation meeting on community based TB care project, collaboration with department of public health, National TB Program and Global Fund, was held on 9am 8 March, 2017 at the meeting hall of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (Headquarters).
MMCWA president, Dr. San San Myint Aung, Central Executive Committee members, focal persons from DOH, state and regional officers from NTP, district MCWA presidents, volunteers and distinguished guests attended. Firstly, president from MMCWA delivered the opening speech. And Dr. Cho Cho San, Deputy Director of TB control department of MOH, explained briefly about the situation of TB prevalence and control in Myanmar.
And then Dr. Win Maung, (WHO, National Technical Officer) performed as chairman and Dr. Cho Cho San, Deputy Director, explained the NTP and the project achievement within 2016. And Dr. Thet Naing Oo, project manager of CBTBC, MMCWA also presented the achievement of the project within 2016.
Moreover, state and regional TB officers presented the contribution of respective State and Regional MCWA’s CBTBC activities in line with NTP.
In the evening discussion, Dr.Win Maung (WHO, National Technical Officer) conducted as chairman and performed focus group discussion depending on the challenges and experiences and laid down the action plan for CBTBC Project.