16th August, 2017
2017 World Breast Feeding Weeks and Nutrition Weeks Commemorative Ceremony was conducted in Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarters on 16th August, 2017, 9am. In this ceremony, Dr. Thar Tun Kyaw, the director general of Public Health Department, Ministry of Health and Sports, Dr. Yi Yi Myint, the director general of Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health and Sports, the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and central executive committee members of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the president and members of Myanmar Women Affairs Federation, the president, vice president and members of Myanmar Women and Child Development Federation, Nay Pyi Taw Maternal and Child Supervisory Committee president and members, District Maternal and Child Supervisory Committee president and members, pregnant women and their husbands, invited guests attended in this ceremony.
Firstly the director general of Ministry of Health and Sports, Dr. Thar Tun Kyaw, delivered the opening speech.
And then, the director generals and focal persons of MMCWA offered the iodine salt, medicines, clothes and nutrient rice to the pregnant women and looked the nutrition weeks recorded photos.
As second part agenda, the president of MMCWA delivered the opening remark.
Continuously, director of nutrition department, Dr. May Khin Than, presented about the nutrition and deputy director of child health department, Dr. Theingi Aung, presented about the child health.
Then, the pregnant women who got three times and above pre natal care in Myitta Sanyay clinic, the breast feeding women and their husbands answered the questions about the nutrition awareness. The president and central executive committee members gave the prizes to the outstanding persons.