20th February, 2019
Basic Life Support and Helping a Choking Child Training Course opening ceremony was held on 20th February, 2019 at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter. Five Pediatricians from Yangon Children Hospital and Myanmar Parenting provided lectures and hands-on training.
The ceremony was attended by President of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung, Vice President (1)Prof. Dr. Mar Lar Win, Treasurer Dr. Le Le Yi, Secretary Dr. Nwe Ni Ohn, Joint Secretary(2) Dr. Chit Ko Tin, Central Executive Committee member Daw Than Than Sein, facilitators, participants and other invited guests.
At the training, MMCWA’s President Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung delivered an opening speech. After this, the Pediatricians delivered the concept and maneuvers of the basic life support and Helping a Choking by powerpoint presentation and video clips.
In the evening, group exercise and post-test on theoretical and practical awareness were conducted. Total of (26) participants including Medical Doctors, Midwives, Preschool teachers and Office Staffs of MMCWA and members of district and township MCWA from Nay Pyi Taw attended and got certificate at the end of the course.